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Botanical . Floral

When photography became something more than just a casual pastime for me, botanicals and florals were the conduit.  With their geometric symmetry and limitless color nuance, they remain a core focus of my art. 

Dreaming Leaves
Two Dahlias
Rose Spectrum
Roses Merveilleuses
Kogana Fubuki. Photograph by Dan Mangan
Coronal Mass Ejection
Two Dahlias 2
Two Begonias. Photograph by Dan Mangan
Morning Glory on White Rail
Rosa Flambé
Scarlet Dahlia Emerging
Dahlia Nuanced. Photograph by Dan Mangan
Dahlia Meringue. Photograph by Dan Mangan
Moonflower Just Before Blooming
Vapor. Photograph by Dan Mangan
Amaryllis 1
Yellow Iris.  Photograph by Dan Mangan
Papillon I
Wild Blue Yonder
Dahlia Flare
When Redbuds Dream
Vanilla and Mint Swirl
Papillon II. Photography by Dan Mangan
Study in Yellow and Magenta
Dahlia Awakening. Photograph by Dan Mangan
Yellow Dahlia and Leaf
Falling Through the Milky Way. Photograph by Dan Mangan
Three Red Petals. Photograph by Dan Mangan
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